Pubg patch notes
Pubg patch notes

  1. #Pubg patch notes update
  2. #Pubg patch notes for android
  3. #Pubg patch notes Offline

Payload Mode is back with all-new improvements! During the event, players have a chance to enter this mode during Erangel matchmaking in Classic Mode.Players will be able to redeem supplies at these Energy Towers by meeting certain conditions in combat. Some mysterious Energy Towers survived the Implosion and remain on Erangel.Fixed a problem with trees disappearing.Fixed a problem with Monster Truck becoming stuck in walls.Fixed bugs with clipping, floating objects, and gaps in the terrain.The large boat is replaced with a speedboat, which refreshes, and can be used in narrow waterways.

pubg patch notes

Slightly increased the density of vegetation in the upper left area.Increased water depth above the waterfall.Reduced advantages of the scaffolding opposite the waterfall.Improved close-up display of waterfalls.Improved display of waterfalls with smoother graphics.Improved display of details when Monster Truck is seen from a distance.Improved display of water textures with smoother graphics.Improved accuracy of rock textures with smoother graphics.Only appears on Livik on the Classic Battle Royale Map and Arena, along with other shotguns.Ammo can be manually reloaded which allows everyone to adapt to emergencies that might catch you by surprise.It can be equipped with the Shotgun Muzzle or Bullet Loop attachment and is currently the most efficient Shotgun to use in combat.Load up to 7 rounds for an outstanding close-quarters combat experience. Some buildings now feature basements, and players will have to smash the wooden door of the basements with their weapons before they can enter.

pubg patch notes

Adjustments to other resource points in the Play Zone: Added a number of resource points in the Play Zone.Īdded trenches, wooden barricades, abandoned tanks, and constructions as cover to create a more compelling battlefield atmosphere across Erangel which will make new tactics and strategies possible.Īdjusted the structure of some urban areas to give players an even better experience when attacking and defending.Adjusted some building layouts to give everyone new tactical options. Prison: Adjusted the terrain structure to add more walls in the surroundings.Quarry: Improved the terrain structure, adjusted the layout of buildings, added 7 new large warehouses, and added landing points for even more looting options.Mylta Power: Mylta Power has been remodeled with a new building layout to make resource points closer to one another for more unexpected developments in battle.Updated the sky, land, water, and vegetation to be more realistic and detailed

#Pubg patch notes update

Update the game between September 8 to September 13 (UTC +0) to get:

#Pubg patch notes for android

This update requires approximately 1.8 GB of additional storage space for Android and 2.17 GB of additional storage space for iOS.Players on different versions are unable to invite one another, so please update as soon as possible.

pubg patch notes pubg patch notes

#Pubg patch notes Offline

The server will not be taken offline for this update. Version 1.0.0 which features New Erangel will be available for PUBG MOBILE starting on September 8. Interact and have fun with your friends in the new Cheer Park and Training Ground! We have completely overhauled the user experience with new player controls and visual experiences! New Erangel is here with all-new map elements and upgraded graphics!

Pubg patch notes